====== Chaos Communication Camp 2015 ======
Ziegeleipark Mildenberg, Zehdenick, Germany, Earth, Milky Way
13. - 17. August 2015
===== Wiki ======
Village at Camp wiki: http://events.ccc.de/camp/2015/wiki/Village:Neighbourhood_Nerds
===== Inhabitants =====
* --- //[[webmaster@ik4ru5.de|Ik4ru5]] 2015/04/02 13:06//
* Twiboo
* --- //[[psy@gegen.orthografievergewaltigung.de|psy]] 2015/04/02 13:12//
* --- //[[gio@eglikoe.de|Gio]] 2015/04/23 13:13//
* --- //[[benedikt.haug@gmx.de|Benedikt]] 2015/05/07 12:16//
* --- //[[hort.jp@googlemail.com|jpsh]] 2015/05/19 12:22//
estimated size: 30 people?
===== Location on CampSite =====
Pictures from the Fieldtrip:
Camp Area: http://events.ccc.de/camp/2015/wiki/extensions/EventMap/map.png
OSM: http://www.openstreetmap.org/node/267114042#map=20/53.03077/13.30973&layers=HN
===== Transport =====
To be filled with Info about our Stadmobil apparel.
===== Food & Drink =====
To be filled with shopping lists for @home and @arrival.
===== Infrastructure =====
* Fiber?
* Power 16 or 32 Amps?
* Size Requirements? 100m^2?
* 2x40m^2 zelte also eher 200m^2
* FreiFunk? (eigenes WLAN sieht das NOC nicht gern --- //[[neighbourhoodnerds@nicidienase.de|NiciDieNase]] 2015/04/02 13:47//)
* Normalerweise gibt es eine Frequenz auf der eigener Kram erlaubt ist.
=== Constraints ===
* [ ] We are a quiet village and will not make much noise. So we like to be placed on a quiet location.
* [ ] We do not make party ourselves but like to be placed near the party villages.
* [ ] We do not make party but will make some noise.
* [ ] We are playing music and like to party
* [ ] We will provide space to hang out for other camp participants on our village
* [ ] We like to be placed on a central location where many people are crossing
* [ ] We like to be placed on a non-central spot where less people are coming by
* [ ] We would like to have trees on our village area
* [ ] We would prefer a spot near the water
* [ ] We do not like to be filmed or photographed
* [ ] We do not like to be visited by representitives of the press, so a non-central location would be better
* [ ] We like to show the stuff we do
* [ ] We prefer to be on our own, not providing any special place for visitors
* [ ] We are just a group of people hanging out, we wont show any special projects
=== We are planning to ===
* [ ] ... run a (public) kitchen
* [ ] ... run a (public) bar
* [ ] ... play loud music and party
* [X] ... bring light installations
* [X] ... build up a big tent
* [ ] ... bring some special machines
* [X] ... install a fridge or a freezer
* [ ] ... run any other Air Condition device
* [ ] ... have any other unusual installations
=== Provides() ===
* [[wiki:user:gio|Gio]], Kaffeevollautomat
* [[wiki:user:gio|Gio]], Projector (800x600, wertlos)
* [[wiki:user:gio|Gio]], kleinere Leuchtmittel
* [[wiki:user:gio|Gio]], funktionsfähig, zur Deko?: Amiga 1000, Mac SE HD
=== Requires() ===
* Grill
* Schlafzelte
* Sound
=== TalkIdeas() ===
* Automated Penetration testing, was kommt nach burp
* Gemeinsamkeiten Verfügbarkeit, Risikomanagement, Projektplanungsabhängigkeiten, Widerstandsnetzwerke
* Powerpoint Karaoke
* How not to develop backend software
=== ProjectIdeas() ===
* [[wiki:user:gio|Gio]], GNU/Hurd 0.6 und Debian/Hurd auf einen überzähligen Nettop installieren und Hurd dort auch bauen
* [[wiki:user:gio|Gio]], ein Visualization Plugin für XBMC Audio schreiben
* [[wiki:user:gio|Gio]], Vorlesungsfolien
* [[wiki:user:gio|Gio]], Cloud Beispielprojekte schaffen
* [[wiki:user:joyjoy|joyjoy]], raspberry pi jack the ripperbot http://www.britishideas.com/2013/09/03/jack-the-ripper-bot-i-introduction/